Pixelorama v0.11.4 is out!


Artwork by Exuvita, one of the artists for v0.11’s splash screen artworks.

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since our last update. I hope you didn’t miss us! Today, version 0.11.4 is coming out, along with various optimizations and bug fixes. Very few new features, but we definitely recommend you to update. Today is also Orama Interactive’s birthday! It’s been a wild ride, and we are very glad and honored you have been with us.

Now, you may ask yourself, why did a bug fixing update take so many months to come out? Is the project dying? The answer is no, not at all! In fact, we have been working on version 1.0, the biggest version so far, on a daily basis. A LOT of new features will arrive with 1.0, and we are also bringing Pixelorama somewhere new… I won’t say where yet, but stay tuned because we will have news for you, very very soon. Until then, turn the valves of your creativity on, and blow off some steam by drawing!

As always, if you wish to support us, you can become a Patron and receive exclusive awards, or buy Pixelorama from itch.io!

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What’s new in v0.11.4:


  • Exporting palettes to png files is now possible.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) has been enabled for the Web version.


  • When quitting, multiple save confirmation dialogs now appear, each for every project that has changes.
  • Loop through frames when clicking on go to previous/next frame buttons on the timeline.
  • High res display is now enabled on macOS. #936
  • Make cloned frames only select a cel if its corresponding original cel was selected as well. #941
  • All of the timeline buttons now have the same size (24x24).


Thank you all for taking the time to read this blog post and for supporting us. We appreciate every and each one of you, with special thanks to our contributors, our translators and our patrons! Happy painting, and keep pixelating your dreams.

Pixelorama is available on GitHub and Itch.io!