Pixelorama v0.11.2 is out!


Artwork by Roroto Sic, one of the artists for v0.11’s splash screen artworks.

So I know how I mentioned that work is now focused on version 1.0 on the previous blog post, but we didn’t forget about 0.x! Version v0.11.2 is a relatively small update, that just mostly fixes a critical bug, but also introduces a couple new features thanks to our contributors. More 0.x versions may follow if more serious issues are found and fixed.

As always, if you wish to support us, you can become a Patron and receive exclusive awards, or buy Pixelorama from itch.io!

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What’s new in v0.11.2:


  • An option for reference images to only appear as silhouettes. #898
  • Snapping to the center of the rectangular grid is now possible. #905


  • Fixed a critical bug causing data loss when moving around the tabs of opened projects and then saving them. #901
  • Loading corrupt pxo files no longer crashes the program. #904


  • Pxo files saved with versions prior to v0.8 can no longer get loaded starting version 0.11.2. If you have old files that you need to load, load them in an earlier version first (from v0.8 to v0.11.1) and save them again. #904

Thank you all for taking the time to read this blog post and for supporting us. We appreciate every and each one of you, with special thanks to our contributors, our translators and our patrons! Happy painting, and keep pixelating your dreams.

Pixelorama is available on GitHub and Itch.io!